Succeed in a job interview

If you get a call for the all-important job interview, there are a few things to remember. Here are some top tips for how to land the job of your dreams

If your job application, your skills and achievements align with what a company is looking for, then an interview might be the next step. In this, you’ll get the chance to meet with the hiring manager to convey why you think you’re the best person for the job.

What should you prepare? What is a company looking for? And how can you come across in the best way?


While going into a job interview may seem nerve-wracking, there are things you can do to relieve your fears.

“I encourage people to do elevator pitches in front of the mirror,” says Claire Steiner, co-founder of the Future You Foundation. Practising to yourself will allow you to see how you come across to others.

Remember, first impressions are really important, so make sure you don’t get to the interview late. “Always arrive early,” says Claire. “It’s better to be 10 minutes early than one minute late.”

Make sure you’re dressed smartly for the interview, even if you think it will be a laidback working environment. “It’s best to go overdressed than underdressed,” says Claire.

“I still think you should try and look as smart as possible.”

When you’re in the interview, body language is key. “You have to think ‘try to keep my hands on my lap the entire time, don’t jiggle my feet and lean in when I’m asking questions’,” Claire adds.

Do your research

Preparation is key. Not only do you need to research the company, but you also need to be able to talk about your own experiences and achievements. It’s likely the hiring manager will ask you some scenario-based questions, so come prepared with some examples of how you achieved what you did or when you solved a difficult problem.

While your skills and experience are vitally important, the company is also looking for someone who will be a great fit for the team too, so be confident in yourself.

Two-way street

Yes, the company is making sure that they hire the right person for them, but you also need to decide whether that company is right for you.

“[The candidate is] looking for the best place that they want to work,” says Sue Ledgard, corporate account manager, business consulting, at Grant Thornton. “What can that organisation offer them? What are the development opportunities?

It’s a two-way thing.”

Have a think about what you’d like to know and come armed with questions to ask them at the end.

Don’t be afraid to write these down in a notebook either – it will show you’re taking it seriously. You can also make notes along the way.

Top tips

  • Presentation is key: It’s better to overdress than underdress, and don’t be late.
  • Prepare: Make sure you’ve researched the company and you have scenario examples from your own experience prepared.
  • Ask questions at the end: This is your chance to find out more about the company. Some top questions to ask your interviewer include: What does success look like in this role? What are the development opportunities? Why do you like working here?
Credit: Fevzille, Zivica Kerkez/