How to boost your profile

Keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date and relevant to jobs you want is vital, and remember to find out what training and development opportunities are available

Are you close to finishing your education and about to enter the job market? Or have you got your eye on a promotion within the organisation that you’re currently in? Whatever stage you’re at in your career, there’s never a bad time to boost your professional profile to give yourself the best possible chance of success.

Online presence

You probably will have heard of stories of recruiters looking at candidates’ social media channels as they go through the recruitment process, but why not use this to your advantage and build up your LinkedIn presence?

“LinkedIn should become your friend,” says Claire Steiner, co-founder of the Future You Foundation.

“You can use it to help you get in with companies and look at businesses. Also, a lot of people recruit through LinkedIn now.”

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there either and follow companies you’re particularly interested in.

“If you really want to work with them, find out who does recruitment and actually start ‘linking in’ with people,” says Claire.

Get involved in conversations or message people if you’re seeking career advice – it is a social network after all.

Communicate your skills

Don’t feel daunted by the term ‘transferable skills’. You may think you don’t have many but you will have more than you believe: decision-making, problem-solving and management happen in more scenarios than you think. It’s about how you convey this on your CV, cover letter and your LinkedIn profile.

Whether it’s a part-time job or casual role, candidates “need to think about what skills they are doing within that job,” says Claire.

Further development

If you’ve found a job, the development doesn’t stop there. You’ll be learning in your new role and taking on more responsibilities within that role, but there’s always room to grow professionally.

See what your organisation offers in terms of career development. Perhaps there’s some further training you could embark on to really expand your skills, or maybe even enrol on an apprenticeship programme for further qualifications and training. Approach your line manager or HR department to see what options are out there.

A promotion often comes with extra responsibilities, and this could include managing another member of the team.

“Say to your line manager, I feel I need some development in how to be a good team leader, or how to be a good manager,” says Sue Ledgard, corporate account manager, business consulting at Grant Thornton. These extra skills or training courses can help you build a successful career.

Top tips

  • Build your LinkedIn presence: Think about how you want to present yourself, and use the social network to connect with others.
  • Hone your skills: Consider your employability skills and how you can build on these or tailor them to a job you’re applying for.
  • Keep developing: It’s never too late to keep learning. See what your organisation offers in terms of development opportunities.
Credit: fizkes, TNK Design/